What year did Columbus discover America


what year did columbus discover america


The discovery of America by Columbus in the fifteenth century was a stirring event. This adventurous Italian sailor, who set out to discover the eastern waterways, arrived at San Salvador in 1492 AD and discovered an enormously prosperous and abundant continent. There is an interesting history behind this adventurous expedition. His own indomitable will and the patronage of the king and queen further encouraged him in this expedition.


The story of Columbus's discovery of America:

With the encouragement and support of the Spanish royal couple Ferdinand and Isabella, Christopher Columbus began his journey to discover the continent. Little did he know though, that he had discovered new territory? But his newly discovered territory is now the superpower of the world. The story of Columbus's discovery of America is discussed below:


1. Identity of Columbus:

Columbus' full name is Christopher Columbus. He was an Italian sailor, born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. His father was a textile artist. Although Columbus worked for the Spanish government, he was insatiable in seafaring. He embarked on his indomitable adventure under the patronage of the King and Queen of Spain, and he succeeded.


2. Purpose of discovery of new territory:

In the Age of Geographical Discovery, powerful countries decided to explore new territories for political and economic reasons. At this time, word of the abundance of eastern countries spread everywhere. Various sailors continued to try to reach this eastern country easily. In continuation of this, Columbus also set out to discover the waterways of the eastern countries but accidentally he discovered a new land, America.

 When did Columbus discover America: Columbus discovered America in 1492 AD. 

3. Gaining Royal Patronage:

Sea voyages were not common at that time. This required a lot of money and necessary equipment which was very expensive. As a result, Columbus himself, unable to collect these, appealed to a royal couple in Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, for their favour. As a result, he was able to collect enough money and necessary equipment to suit the royal couple. The royal couple announced that if Columbus discovered any country on the voyage, he would be made a regent and given the title of 'Admiral of the Ocean'.


 4. Fleet Formation:

Columbus built an efficient fleet for his expedition. In this, 90 selected Spaniards assembled three very powerful ships 7080 feet long, manned by standing sailors. Whose names were Nina, Pinta and Santamaria. They took with them better-quality maps and stronger compasses. Through which the correct direction can be determined.

5. Voyage of Columbus to discover waterways:

On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail from the port of Palos, accompanied by experienced sailors and powerful ships. Ships move forward due to the wind blowing from the southeast. They sail through numerous obstacles on the way.

6. Experiencing heavy storms:

Columbus started his adventure in 1492 AD. On the way, Columbus' fleet encountered a strong storm. Two ships suffered heavy losses. And their logistics are also wasted to a great extent. Yet they continue to move forward to discover new territory. Eventually, they were able to discover it.

7. Discovery of New Land or America:

Columbus and his fleet finally saw a light in the distance late at night on October 11, 1492 AD. Perhaps the islanders lit a fire there. On 12 October the explorers sighted new land on the shore. They thought it might be East India. But they mainly reached San Salvador in the Bahamas.


8. Controversy over discovery:

Columbus returned to Spain the following year, mistaking the discovery of new land for the discovery of the East Indies. And he described the conditions of the sea and the new lands. But since no Oriental match was found with his description, the discovery began to be debated. Although Columbus himself claims he went to the East. But others claim he discovered new land, which was not the Orient.


9. Naming America:

Just as Columbus sailed with the help of the King of Spain, Amerigo Vespucci sailed to Brazil in South America in 1501 and 1502 under the Portuguese flag. Vespucci's writings on his own voyages became so famous that he was recognized as the discoverer of South America. And America was named after America the discoverer of America.


Given the above discussion, the discovery of America is an exciting chapter in history. Through this discovery, the current America became a superpower in the world. And Columbus's discovery of America later inspired many sailors to sail. As a result, many more new lands, and new waterways were discovered. Through which political, economic, and cultural influence is widespread throughout the world

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